Film Synopsis:
On a rescue mission to the North Pole to retrieve an old friend and his lost expedition crew, Captain Mortimer gets more than he bargained for when his ship is frozen into the ice sheet and set upon by bloodthirsty fish-creatures. Mortimer and his surviving crew flee the ship, beginning a treacherous journey to find safety in a frozen desolate wilderness. Suffering from starvation, frostbite and a slow madness, they find shelter inside a snowy mountain, but are they as safe as they think, or have they entered the heart of the creatures lair.
Please note the inclusive event will be filmed by Viper Productions.
This film is rated as “15” – Suitable only for those 15 Years and Over. No one under the age of 15 can watch this film.
*Photographic ID may be required if young people are attending to confirm age, entry may be refused if not provided. [Passport/Drivers License/Citizenship Card/Post Office ID/YOTI ID/Lloyds ID].